Are you ready?
Yes, I’ve had all the same struggles of midlife; weight gain around my middle and other places, feeling unmotivated and unfulfilled, unsure of how and where to start, and unexpectedly single at 60 and needing to reinvent my life.
Like you, you probably spent most of your life taking care of those you love. Now it’s time to take care of you! Whether your goal is to attain your ideal weight, gain strength through exercise, build more confidence, or improve your diet and habits, this is your time to take charge of your wellness and I’m here to help you do so!
Reimagine what’s possible, redefine your purpose, reshape your health and fitness, reignite your power, rejoice in gratitude.
Are you ready to grow and break bad habits? If the answer is a big YES, this is the program for you. Take a look at the programs available.
Where we discuss everything about healthy habits, mindset, nutrition, beauty and more.
"I have found a refreshed sense of accountability to my personal and professional goals since joining Harrah’s course. Every conversation is inspiring if you are willing to put in the work.
"I highly recommend it!"
Harrah taught us that as we set a particular goal and worked toward this accomplishment many other successes would open along the way. I absolutely testify to this. As I worked my plan, surprising and unexpected doors opened, and I am overwhelmed with the success of this process.
I cannot more strongly encourage this program.
Through SEW and Harrah’s coaching, I discovered what’s been holding me back, where to place my focus, and how to move forward. I’m faced with challenges I was reluctant to deal with, but now I feel empowered to both face them and handle them. I’ve found a vision for myself.
"Now I have all the tools I need to get there."
SEW has been an incredibly empowering course. Harrah’s life experience, her “all-in” approach, and her very well thought through program, has offered tremendous information, valuable insight, personal reflections, and individual and group guidance to identify and foster moving forward when your life path is feeling “stuck”.
"Sign on - Run, don’t walk! It is fantastic!"